Everyday Impact Application Form - Barts Charity

Everyday Impact Application Form

Everyday Impact

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Before starting your application, please familiarise yourself with:

You must complete this online form, as well as the following documents:

 This document can be downloaded, completed and attached to this form.

You will also need to upload a letter from your directorate general manager confirming that they support this application, and if you are applying for funds from an SPF, confirmation of support from at least two of the  SPF fundholders/signatories.

If you have any questions, please contact funding@bartscharity.org.uk

Do get in touch if we can support you in the application process by applying reasonable adjustments.

You can download a sample version of the form here.

Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are must be completed in order to submit the form.

This form has either already been submitted OR is currently unavailable for submission. For assistance, please contact funding@bartscharity.org.uk


In ticking this you, as the Lead Applicant, confirm that:

Section 1: Application Summary

Guidance: If your application is successful, this is the organisation that will be responsible for administering the financial award.

Guidance: A good title is short (usually 1 sentence) and states clearly and concisely what the problem is and how you hope to resolve it.

Guidance: You may request up to 12 months of support.

Guidance: This date should be as realistic as possible, taking into account the amount of time that it will take Barts Charity to process your application and for you to prepare to start the work. You may adjust this start date if your application is successful. We expect most Everyday Impact grants to start within 3 months of the decision.

Your application will need to be reviewed and (electronically) approved by a Finance Manager at your organisation with appropriate delegated authority to agree to administer the grant, if agreed. Please confirm their name and email address here. 

When you submit your application, they will be sent a copy of the application form and asked to approve it before the application is submitted to Barts Charity. The application needs to be submitted to us by 5pm on the day of the deadline.

We will confirm receipt of the application after the Finance Manager has approved it. 

We will not process applications unless an appropriate Finance Manager has been identified as the Legally Responsible Contact.

Please complete for all applications for grants to be managed by Barts Health NHS Trust

Section 2: Proposal Summary

Guidance: This summary should allow a member of the wider public to understand your proposal.

It must outline how you identified the need for intervention in this area, what you plan to do and what you hope to achieve, highlighting the benefits for patients.

You should avoid unnecessary jargon, abbreviations and technical terms wherever possible. If you have to use them provide a clear explanation.

We may use this to describe your project through our communication channels (such as our website) and to describe your project to the public, supporters, donors and our Trustees.

Section 3: Proposal Details

Provide a detailed description of what you want to do, why it is needed, how you will do it and what the impact will be. (1000 words)

Guidance: Guidance: This is the main body of the application, most of the key information should be here.

Your application will be read by a range of people including individuals who may not know the context of your application. Please write your proposal with this in mind.

References, figures and any other supporting information referred to must be uploaded as an attachment.

The prompts below are intended to help you write your detailed proposal. As this scheme can be used to support many different types of proposals, the list of prompts might not include something relevant for your idea, and some prompts might not be applicable. The list is not exhaustive and should be used as guidance.

  • What is the problem?
    • What is the scale of the problem? How many services/sites/individuals are affected by it?
    • For refurbishment projects, you must include a photo of the site as it currently is as an attachment.
  • How will your proposal solve this problem?
    • Why do you think your solution is the right one for this problem?
    • Has your idea been successfully implemented elsewhere?
    • What other approaches have been tried to solve this problem? Why haven’t they worked?
    • What benefit(s) will this solution bring to patients/staff in the short and medium term?
  • What planning and preparation do you need to do to implement your idea?  
    • Is there suitable space (and associated utilities) available to house/store a piece of equipment? 
    • Do you have sign off/permission from estates for a refurbishment? 
    • Will this proposal have an effect on another service/department/Trust that needs to be considered?
  • What are your plans to evaluate the outcomes of this proposal?
    • Describe how you will measure the difference you have made including plans to collect information before and after implementing your idea.
  • What are your plans to maintain the change beyond the period of Barts Charity funding?
    • If you are purchasing equipment:
      • will you have a service contact, how long will this be for? How will this be paid for once the grant has ended?
      • does the equipment need consumables? If so, how will these be paid for? 
    • If you are planning an event to facilitate training, how will you make sure that the learning is long lasting? 
    • If you are proposing a refurbishment, how will you ensure that the new space or furniture will be maintained to a high quality?   
  • Do you have the right people involved in planning and delivering the proposal?
    • State their name, role and how much time you expect they will need to commit to the proposed work.

The upload fields below will only accept Office (e.g. Word) or PDF files.

Figures, schema and other supporting information. This document is not included in the word counts of the Project Description.

Upload a list of the sources cited in the Project Description. Include all authors, the full title of each publication, journal title, year, volume and pages.

Section 4: Additional information

  1. Please refer to the scheme webpage and Barts Charity Cost Policy for details of what this scheme can and cannot support. 
  2. This might include funding from your hospital/Barts Health NHS Trust, other charities etc. If you have approached other potential sources of funding, please detail why your proposal was not supported.

Upload a letter each from two fundholders confirming the that they approve of the SPF being used to support this grant, and that the planned work is within the remit of the SPF.
As a local funder, effective involvement and engagement of patients, staff and/or the public in the work we fund is very important to us.

Patients, staff and/or the public who will benefit from the proposal should be involved and/or engaged in every stage, from developing the proposal through project delivery to evaluation.

In this section, please outline your approach to the involvement and engagement of patients, staff and/or the public  in all stages of the project, including:
  • Who will be/has been involved and why?
  • Why your approach to patients, staff and/or public  involvement is/was appropriate for this proposal?
Costs related to involvement and engagement to support your idea can be funded by this grant and should be detailed in the Project Finances section of this application form.

Guidance: Your involvement/engagement plans can be relatively simple and might include, for example: 
  • Patient comments on a rundown waiting area or their views on how a seating area could be made more comfortable
  • Plans to survey patients about the benefits of the new furniture 
  • Plans to collect patient requirements for new pieces of furniture
  • Staff comments on the problems they face when using current equipment
  • Results of a survey showing that staff would benefit from more training in a particular area.

Guidance:  Beneficiaries may include patients, patient families and/or carers. Please explain how you have determined the number above. You should also include details of the people expected to benefit, for example, their demographic profile, location or the condition they're affected by. 

Upgrade Projects

For all refurbishment work, you must involve Vital Arts, Barts Health's arts organisation, who will be able to support you with this. Vital Arts can be contacted on: 

Section 5: Applicants

The grant application must be led by one Lead Applicant, with up to four co-applicants. The Lead Applicant is responsible for completing the application form and leading the project. This will be the main person that Barts Charity communicates with. 

The project team must include representatives from all services involved.

Letter of Support

Section 4: Applicants

Guidance: You may apply with up to four co-applicants
Co-Applicant Details

Use the 'add another response' button to add details for another co-applicant.

Section 5: Finances

  • We will fund only the direct costs of the project.

  • You must obtain accurate costs from your Finance Office.

  • All costs requested must be in line with Barts Charity's Cost Policy.

  • We expect that the majority of the project’s costs would be incurred in Barts Health NHS Trust. We will consider providing funds to collaborating organisations on a case-by-case basis. Where agreed by Barts Charity, this collaboration will need to be managed by the Host Organisation as a sub-contract.

All amounts below must be shown as whole numbers and in pound sterling (£).

Guidance: This must be the total amount requested from Barts Charity, including funding from any Special Purpose Funds Barts Charity manages.
Guidance:  You should include the value of contributions (confirmed or requested) from other sources (e.g. other charities, the NHS or commercial companies). 

Guidance: Provide a list of the value and source of funding as well as what this will cover. Indicate whether these contributions have been confirmed or are still under review.

Provide a breakdown of costs requested from Barts Charity using the following cost categories.
You must ensure the breakdown matches the amount requested (above) from Barts Charity.

All amounts below must be shown as whole numbers, with values as pound sterling (£).
Year 1
Materials and Consumables
Involvement and Engagement

This figure is the sum of the figures provided in the cost breakdown above. You must ensure that this field matches the amount entered into the 'Amount requested from Barts Charity field'.

Guidance: Provide a detailed breakdown of the costs requested. For example: “We see x patients, so require y of item z. Each item costs £A, bringing the total to B.”

The list below provides guidance specific to this scheme. You must refer to Barts Charity’s Cost Policy for full details of the allowed/disallowed costs. 

We will not provide additional funds at a later date that are not requested in this application.


  • Outline the role each staff member will play in the project, including a justification for the level of salary support requested.
  • Where the requested staff member has already been identified, please provide their name and a justification for their involvement in the project.



  • A company quote is required for any single piece of equipment over £5,000.
  • You must ensure that any freight/shipping/delivery, VAT, installation, or capital/estates costs related to the equipment have been fully accounted for. 
  • The Lead Applicant is responsible for ensuring that a suitable location to house/store the equipment has been identified.


  • We will consider costs for refurbishment of existing spaces or the purchase of new furniture through this scheme.
  • You must ensure that all relevant costs have been fully accounted for. This includes but is not limited to construction, PFI and professional fees, or fixtures and fittings.
  • A quote or cost estimate must be provided.

Involvement and Engagement

We encourage the involvement of patients, staff and/or the public in the work we fund. Costs related to involvement and engagement to support your idea, as outlined in the relevant question above, can be requested here.


Guidance: If you are requesting equipment or estates you must upload the following documents here:
  • Your Finance Manager is responsible for checking that the item/work is VAT exempt. If the cost is VAT exempt, you must attach an email or letter from them confirming. 
  • Any quotes/cost estimates; if you have more than one quote, please merge these into a single file before uploading.

Section 6: Related Applications

Section 7: Approvals

Guidance: We expect applicants to seek these approvals before the application is considered by the Charity. We will require their support/approval before we make a decision on your application. Contact the Funding and Impact Team if you need advice regarding which group(s) to approach.

Diversity Monitoring

Barts Charity is committed to ensuring that our decision-making processes are fair and free from bias. We ask that all applicants complete a short diversity questionnaire to allow us to monitor our progress against these aims.

Data collected will be held separately to your application and cannot be accessed by anyone involved with processing or assessing your application.

Each applicant will receive an email with further details and instructions on completing this survey shortly after the application is submitted. If an applicant has provided this data in the last two years, we will not ask them again. They may however request a form to update or remove this data but contacting funding@bartscharity.org.uk.

Review and Submit

When you submit, your application will be sent to your Legally Responsible Contact (LRC, see page 3 of this form for more information) for approval. The LRC will then review your application and submit it to the Charity.

Your application must be received by 5pm on the day of the deadline.

The Lead Applicant will be send a PDF copy of the data entered into this form.