Everyday Impact - Barts Charity

Everyday Impact

Our Everyday Impact funding scheme focuses on ideas where a relatively straightforward and easy-to-implement change could have a big impact on the care, experience and wellbeing of patients in hospitals across Barts Health NHS Trust.

Level of funding

£2,000 to £50,000

Duration of funding

Up to 12 months

Everyday Impact scheme information

Lead applicant

Applications must have one person who is responsible for completing the application form and leading the project. This person is called the lead applicant and will be our main point of contact.

The lead applicant must be employed by Barts Health and will be for the duration of the funding.


Depending on the type of application, you may also wish to have up to four co-applicants who will support your application and project, if successful. The focus of the project must be Barts Health hospitals, and the project team must include representatives from all services involved.

Co-applicants must be employed by Barts Health in the majority of cases.

Your application will be reviewed by our Everyday Impact Advisory Panel using the following criteria:

  • Benefit - tangible difference to patients or members of the communities served by Barts Health in terms of experience, wellbeing and/or care. We particularly encourage applications that have wide-ranging benefit i.e. beyond one service or hospital.
  • Suitability – appropriateness of Barts Charity as a funder, i.e. that there is no alternative source of funding available for your proposal.
  • Involvement – appropriate engagement with patients, public and/or staff.
  • Maintainability – if appropriate, plans to maintain the proposed change beyond the period of our funding.

Your proposed project must be supported by relevant senior members of staff from all departments, services and sites it covers.

This scheme can support projects and initiatives between £2,000 and £50,000.

Please see our Grants Cost Policy  for the types of cost that can be requested.

While not an exhaustive list, examples of ideas and items that we could support include:

  • Initiatives to improve healthcare service delivery or patient wellbeing.
  • Items to improve day-to-day patient/family experience or wellbeing.
  • Healthcare equipment that supports the expansion or improvement of a service or introduces updated technology.
  • Small-scale renovation, redecoration and refurbishment of treatment and waiting areas.
  • Supporting internal training and/or knowledge sharing events for Barts Health staff, where the focus is on improving healthcare delivery for patients. This can include, for example, catering and room booking for an internal conference.
  • IT equipment to enable staff to provide better care to patients providing this is part of a wider project and has a letter of support from the Chief information Officer.

Special Purpose Funds

We manage funds donated for a restricted or specific purpose, which are known as Special Purpose Funds (SPFs). The charity has a responsibility to ensure that donated funds are spent in a timely manner. If you or your department/service has access to an SPF and has an idea that fits the purpose of the Everyday Impact scheme and will cost £5,000-£50,000, you should release funds from this SPF, with fundholder approval. If your department has access to an SPF and you’re applying for less than £5,000, we encourage you to use the SPF claim process where possible.

  • Corporate events, team away days or social activities.
  • Individual training, either provided by Barts Health or externally.
  • Medical equipment that is essential to patient safety or replacement of existing equipment.
  • Activities related to staff health and wellbeing, or refurbishment/renovation of areas predominantly used by staff. We work closely with Barts Health to support staff projects.
  • Portable IT equipment for patient use.

Application and assessment

Before you apply:

  • Ensure that you have the support from senior members of all services and sites involved. If you’re not the lead of your service, you should add a letter of support from your directorate general manager or equivalent.
  • For all projects involving refurbishment and artwork, you will need to work with Vital Arts to develop appropriate costings.
  • If your project involves a refurbishment, you will need to provide quotes from your estates team.
  • If you’re based in a PFI building, you will need to provide a Variation Request Response.
  • Please work with your finance manager to ensure that your application is costed appropriately. Your finance manager should check all quotes and confirm whether they should be VAT exempt, providing a VAT exemption certificate where appropriate.

You must complete the online application form. Remember to save your application often and attach all the necessary documents before submitting to us.

When you complete your application form it will be sent to your finance manager who must review and approve your application in order to complete the submission.

Applications must be submitted by 5pm on the day of the deadline.

Our Funding & Impact team will check that your application is eligible for this scheme. We’ll be in touch if we have any questions.  

Applications will be assessed by our Everyday Impact Advisory Panel against the criteria listed in the  What we look for section.

We use the Everyday Impact Advisory Panel’s assessment to make the final funding decision. You can expect to hear if you’re successful within 9 weeks of the deadline.

Start your application

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Our Funding & Impact team are here to work with you and can offer advice and support. We encourage you to contact us if you have any queries. Do get in touch if we can support you in the application process by applying reasonable adjustments. All requests will be treated in confidence.

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