Clinical trials can save thousands of lives: Suresh’s story - Barts Charity
Clinial trial patient and Barts Charity Supporter Suresh

Clinical trials can save thousands of East London lives: Suresh’s story

Suresh received life-changing treatment for rheumatoid arthritis through a clinical trial at Whipps Cross Hospital. Here’s what your support of clinical trials can do for the East London community.

  • Date: August 2, 2023

Suresh’s search for a cure 

Suresh thought he was going to live in agony for the rest of his life after being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Always a very active person, Suresh had no shortage of hobbies including skiing, travel and riding his motorbike. However, as his condition worsened, Suresh found his favourite activities became a thing of the past. 

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where the immune system (which usually fights infection) attacks the cells lining joints by mistake. There is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis but medications are given to ease symptoms and slow progress of the condition. The effects of rheumatoid arthritis are extremely challenging, and the impact can be life-altering.

“Just a few years ago, I was unable to walk, my body was rigid, and the pain I felt was unbearable – in my legs, my arms, my wrists, even my jaw. It was everywhere, and it was constant.”


Suresh was given various medications to try to ease his pain during his treatment at Whipps Cross Hospital but none of them seemed to work. Suresh despaired as he began to resign himself to living with his condition and being in constant pain. 

Were it not for the power of clinical trials, however, Suresh would have been in too much pain to share his story. 

Suresh on his motorbike, one of his favourite pastimes.

The power of clinical trials 

When reaching near hopelessness, Suresh’s consultant at Whipps Cross Hospital talked to him about taking part in a clinical trial for a new drug. Clinical trials are an essential part of the process in developing new medicines. They test whether new treatments, devices or interventions are safe and effective.

Despite not knowing much about clinical trials at the time, Suresh trusted his doctors and decided to take part.  

The new drug brought Suresh relief from his pain and over time began to restore his mobility.

“I knew very little about them [clinial trials] at all. I didn’t understand, as I do now, that these trials are a vital part of how we develop new medicines. Being asked to take part in a trial is a good thing. I was given a new drug by an IV drip. And – would you believe it – it worked! My pain started to go away, my mobility improved, and, over time, I began to feel more like my old self again. It was as if all my dreams had come true at once.”

Suresh was able to ride his motorbike, travel and play with his grandchildren again. The treatment has now been developed further so Suresh has left his IV drip behind. He can now give himself injections every two weeks at home.

Clinical research could help save thousands of lives in East London.  

We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to help more patients like Suresh from our community to benefit from similar life-changing science. 

But we can’t do this without you. 

Introducing the new, state of the art Clinical Research Facility for Barts Health NHS Trust. Located at The Royal London Hospital the new facility will be a place for patients to come and take part in clinical trials.  

Opportunities for patients in East London to take part in potentially life-saving clinical trials are limited. But, with your support, the new Clinical Research Facility facility will:  

  • allow more clinical trials to take place in East London 
  • enable earlier access to life-changing treatment for our community  
  • attract world leading scientists to East London 
  • ensure our diverse communities are better represented in research 

Better representation in trials matters. It means new treatments can be more tailored and will be more effective for our local population. It will also make a significant contribution to global research, benefiting millions of underrepresented people around the world. 

Give today

Support the Clinical Research Facility today 

By donating, you’ll help patients like Suresh get the vital support they need, improve their access to the latest treatments and give people with painful conditions a better quality of life. In some cases, this could mean the difference between life and death. 

“With your support, the new Clinical Research Facility can help patients with life-long conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease and heart disease.”
Kieran McCafferty, Director of the Clinical Research Facility, Barts Health NHS Trust and Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary University London.

If you can make a donation today, you’ll play an important role in making this hugely exciting new vision a reality.

Support the Clinical Research Facility
